

Friday, May 20, 2011

Indochina Research Conference at PSE by Mr. Laurent Notin

Pour un Sourire d’Enfant hosted an exceptional conference about Market Research on Friday January 14th, 2011.
Thanks to the Indochina Research that was offering the opportunity for 20 students from High-Level Business School (BH3 and BH2) and the students from RULE (Royal University Law Economic) were able to enjoy the presence of Mr. Laurent Notin, Director of Indochina Research in Cambodia. He offered the students a two-hour conference with a questions and answers session.
Miss Eléonore Iriart, Marketing Professor, Mr. Ban Vithou, Marketing instructor and also the professors from RULE, helped to organize this event at PSE and attended the conference.
It was a great opportunity for both teachers and students at PSE and students from RULE to feel for the expectations in terms of Market Research expected from Indochina Research Company and to be exposed to an experienced professional in Market Research of Indochina Research Company.
Mr. Laurent Notin said that Market Research is about listening to people, analysing the information to help organisations make better decisions and reduce risks. Market research is not only about collecting data using questionnaires; it is also about analysing and interpreting that data to build information and knowledge for clients. The right decision to be made is a decision that reduces risks and the best decision for the client’s business. Mr. Laurent Notin told us that before you do Market Research, you must set up your objective by asking yourself that “What do you want to know? And Why do you want to know this?” this is the clue for doing Market Research. He tells the Top 3 channels watched most often by Cambodian people (aged-15 to 50): 1. CTN, 2. MyTV, 3. TV5 and Top 3 people who influence the most any purchase decision making: 1. Family, 2.Friend, 3. Sales representatives this is the source of IRL Media Index Survey (December 2010). He also shows the tip to do research, always start from the 5Ws & 1 H such as: What? When? Where? Who? Why? And How? The process of Research in Brief is define the client issue(s), understanding the decision to be made, set up the objective and then develop the research plan after that, conduct fieldwork & quality control and conduct data entry & quality control next, you conduct analysis & reporting. And then, top line presentation & delivery of a comprehensive report. Finally, you will have management decision about your research. The market research industry sets high professional and ethical standards. Effective market research depends on public confidence (because public is the main source of information): confidence that research is carried out honestly and confidence that anonymity of respondents is 100% guaranteed. This confidence is supported by professional codes of practice, which govern the way market research projects are conducted. For example: Today, ESOMAR and the International Chamber of Commerce promote the ICC/ESOMAR International Code of Market and Social Research Practice which is the global umbrella code governing the way that market research is conducted around the globe.  More than 5,000 members of ESOMAR are committed.

Writing by: PHAY Seyha
Sourcing of: Mr. Laurent Notin