The 6th Cambodia import-Export 7 One Province one product exhibition 2011 plus ACMCS is entering a new era with the inclusion of the ACMECS economic cooperation framework for the first time. One more thing, they get the products from each province in their country that the product represents about their village and province. In Cambodia, we get the products from the village and one product represents one village and it shows about their habit of their village also.
Why they show about their product? Because they want to make people realize about their product and just see the product and know where the product come from. For example Kompong Cham province sold bean and Kompong Speu province sold cabbage and Sieam Reap province sold one beauty car. When customer see this product, they will know that where it come from. For Thailand they sold about kind of the lotions, soap, perfume, jewelry, clothes, shoes, can food, etc.
The purpose of this even, the first they want to make people know about their product where it come from because one product represent one village and the second for market survey. They want to measure about the consumer behavior of Cambodian people how many people use these products? Now in Cambodia has this products or not yet? Do Cambodian people like to use? And how can attract people to buy it? The third, they want to sale amount of money from customer immediately.
I think that it is very good for all the people in Cambodia to know about another country’s product and know about culture of them that what product come from and for me I just shop around and buy a little bit products to test it at home by myself. I hope that next years I can visit it again.
Rim vamva
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