from Miss. Sreyna BBA3-B. She said that, on February 18th 2012, Mr. Lim Rithy, manager of
Business School, arranged a visit for BBA2 and BBA3 to Chub rubber plantation in Kompong Cham province. All the students left from PSE
at 7:30 am with several teachers of Business school like Mr. Lim Rithy, Mr.Tuy Sopheak,
Miss Socheat, Miss Channa and Miss Eléonore.
Sreyna said that she arrived there at 11:40 am. She saw the factory. It was the first time that she could enjoy this visit and she was very surprised that there were a lot of different modern machines. She noticed that the production process generated a bad smell.
She also mentioned that it was difficult to collect information from the production manager inside the factory. But she tried to collect all the information that he provided to her. She was able to know about the history of the rubber plantation, the level of rubber export and import, the production process, etc. There are four kinds of products: the first one is CSRL, the second is CSR 5, the third CSR10 and the last one is Logran.
After, she went to the rubber farm. She couldn’t believe when she saw growing rubber trees in line and she imagined it would be comfortable to sleep or eat something under the rubber trees with her friends. Especially, she was able to know how to make a rubber tree nursery. Rubber tree can provide rubber for a long period of time. Collecting rubber on a tree is possible for 6 years.
There are a lot of advantages for planting rubber tree from the government. And people in Cambodia like furniture. The most important is that they can export abroad to Asian countries such as Malaysia, Vietnam, Singapore and China. Before it was controlled by the government but now it became private companies like Chub, Kreang, Maimut, Snoul, Peapchank, Beung Thaon and Phum Dong.
Sreyna said that she arrived there at 11:40 am. She saw the factory. It was the first time that she could enjoy this visit and she was very surprised that there were a lot of different modern machines. She noticed that the production process generated a bad smell.
She also mentioned that it was difficult to collect information from the production manager inside the factory. But she tried to collect all the information that he provided to her. She was able to know about the history of the rubber plantation, the level of rubber export and import, the production process, etc. There are four kinds of products: the first one is CSRL, the second is CSR 5, the third CSR10 and the last one is Logran.
After, she went to the rubber farm. She couldn’t believe when she saw growing rubber trees in line and she imagined it would be comfortable to sleep or eat something under the rubber trees with her friends. Especially, she was able to know how to make a rubber tree nursery. Rubber tree can provide rubber for a long period of time. Collecting rubber on a tree is possible for 6 years.
There are a lot of advantages for planting rubber tree from the government. And people in Cambodia like furniture. The most important is that they can export abroad to Asian countries such as Malaysia, Vietnam, Singapore and China. Before it was controlled by the government but now it became private companies like Chub, Kreang, Maimut, Snoul, Peapchank, Beung Thaon and Phum Dong.
"I am very happy for visiting a rubber
plantation because I was able to get a lot of knowledge from it. Also, I was able to become clear
about this topic, as before I never knew anything related to it. And for suggestion, I would like PSE
to continue to have this program in order to make the next generations of students know about this." SreyNa