

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Visit to rubber plantation

      Report from Miss. Sreyna BBA3-B. She said that, on February 18th 2012, Mr. Lim Rithy, manager of Business School, arranged a visit for BBA2 and BBA3 to Chub rubber plantation in Kompong Cham province. All the students left from PSE at 7:30 am with several teachers of Business school like Mr. Lim Rithy, Mr.Tuy Sopheak, Miss Socheat, Miss Channa and Miss ElĂ©onore.

Sreyna said that she arrived  there at 11:40 am. She saw the factory. It was the first time that she could enjoy this visit and she was very surprised that there were a lot of different modern machines. She noticed that the production process generated a bad smell.

She also mentioned that it was difficult to collect information from the production manager inside the factory. But she tried to collect all the information that he provided to her. She was able to know about the history of the rubber plantation, the level of rubber export and import, the production process, etc. There are four kinds of products: the first one is CSRL, the second is CSR 5, the third CSR10 and the last one is Logran.

After, she went to the  rubber farm. She couldn’t believe when she saw growing rubber trees in line and she imagined it would be comfortable to sleep or eat something under the rubber trees with her friends. Especially, she was able to know how to make a rubber tree nursery. Rubber tree can provide rubber for a long period of time. Collecting rubber on a tree is possible for 6 years.

There are a lot of advantages for planting rubber tree from the government. And people in Cambodia like furniture. The most important is that they can export abroad to Asian countries such as Malaysia, Vietnam, Singapore and China. Before it was controlled by the government but now it became private companies like Chub, Kreang, Maimut, Snoul, Peapchank, Beung Thaon and Phum Dong.         

     "I am very happy for visiting a rubber plantation because I was able to get a lot of knowledge from it. Also, I was able to become clear about this topic, as before I never knew anything related to it. And for suggestion, I would like PSE to continue to have this program in order to make the next generations of students know about this." SreyNa said.

Prepared by: Uy Sokunthy, Nget Socheat and Yim Dy (BBA2-B)

Thursday, March 22, 2012

                                          Economic Today Magazine 

         In marketing class we always do a lot of projects that require going different place, different time and different option of students depend on group and obligation .One of these subjects, we have one subject that came from Economic Today Magazine.

         On January, 14th 2012 we went to do a poll that require us to interview people face to face. The purpose of interview wants to know how people think about price of gasoline and satisfaction of them on gasoline. Before we went to interview, we divide 5 group and one group 4 people. We went different place such as: River side, Derm Kor market,Orussey market, Olympic market, and Chbar Om Pov market. We went to interview 12 questions per person and one group we have 40 questionnaires.

         For my group went to Orussey market to interview different people. I went with my friends they are Monika, Sophan, and one absent is Dara so we have to divide work to do more. We went to Orussey at 2 pm on Saturday afternoon and work until 4:30 pm than came back PSE. During we interview, some people busy with work they don’t have time to be interviewed. Some people allow us to interview but some I can interview just half of questions because they have work to do immediately. I met different kind of people and work but almost of them are Moto Dup driver because there are a lot of Moto Dup at Orussy Market. In the end we have finished our interview successfully and come back PSE by happily. The benefit of this subject is that we can advertise Charity Party Program in Economic Today Magazine
free because we exchange it by do market survey for them.

          I think this project is very good for us to get a lot of experiences and know a lot of people especially, I can know how to communicate with different people. Once more thing, I can adapt myself to solve problem immediately with their anger because most of them don’t like the price of gasoline nowadays. I think, I can improve my work because now we are not yet to finish it. It just the first step.

Rim vamva

Thursday, March 15, 2012

BBA2A visited Phomen Khmer Tour Agency Company

On 18/02/2012 Mr. Lim Rithy manager of Business School arrange a visited for BBA2A to Phomen Khmer Tour Agency Company.
            At. 2:30, all the student have prepared them self already for their visited and jump on the bus. They arrived to Phomen Khmer Company at 3:00.
            This Company provide many tour service like:
  •  World wide Air Ticketing Reservation
  • In/Out bound Tour Arrangement
  • Worldwide Hotel Reservation
  • All Transportation Rental (Car, Van, Bus, Helicopter, Boat)
  • Visa Service (Khmer & Foreigner
  • Visa Extension
  • File Arrangement For:
    • Living Abroad
    • Trip Abroad
  • Domestic bus ticket Reservation
  • Travel Insurance Service
  • Office Translation Service
  • Postage & Shipping
  • Arrange express E-Visa(Visa online)
  • Cooking Class
               This visited provide all the student many advantages because all the student can get many work experience and work process from all the professional staffs like them. And we can aware of process of making a passport and visa, aware of how to work & Documents management for traveling to abroad.
                    For me I feel very glad and interesting with this study visited because I can improved my knowledge and my work experience, Mrs. Ouch Darya said. 

Prepared by Soung Reaksmey
                    Em Ratana
                    Hok Sanlong 

Thursday, March 8, 2012

BSCAC Presentation

             One program that comes from business school student it was present by Mr. Phoeun Sokphan class BBA3B and help by five student from BBA3 and first 3D student such as Miss. Pheoun Sokleng, Mr. Phoeun Lypheng, Miss. Soung Sephan, Miss. Sim Visal, Mr. Phay Seyha Miss. Seng Phalla on February 22, 2012. This program is call Business School Students’ Cooperation Affairs Center, an up-and-coming center, is aimed at stimulating, sharing, supporting and consulting with students to go forward to reach the qualified standard of learning. Therefore, according to the student in business school increase, and also we see the some problem of student in Class BBA3 lack of some ability and knowledge not bereave enough. That why BSCAC was founded by the third generation students of BBA program in January 17, 2012.

              BSCAC group is work on the break time from 12-2 pm but they are not chose the volunteer yet and the offices of them are located in M15. The activity of BSCAC group is can edit the writing of the student if they can, but if their ability of them if not enough they will send it to the teacher to edit it. Press preview it Mean you read some new and summarize fifteen minutes (this program is create when you have time to share with us). Moreover if you interesting in presentation you can send it to BSCAC every month we will help any problem and you can also can understand how use a slide presentation, how to speak it in public. However we will provide you a consulting every day from 5-6 pm.
The objectives of BSCAC that want to create this program are:
Explain why we need BSCA
Depict the vision, mission, and goals of BSCAC.
Describe core values and activities of BSCAC.
Present the management structure of BSCAC.
Explain how we all get benefit from BSCAC.

                 One more things Vision and Mission of BSCAC is “We believe that the potential quality development of students depends primarily on self-awareness and art of sharing”. “With the philosophy of our vision, our team spirit and leadership play an important role in facilitating and organizing virtual, vital and educational programs and events for students to share their ideas in the optimal envision to their community and society”.
In another hand the goals of BSCAC are:
•    Build up more rapports between students and more networks.
•    Bring the students to reach the clues of effective learning.
•    Help the lower understanding students to get better mindset.
•    Share the know-how to all students in PSE Institute.
•    Usher students to understand and practice the art of sharing.
•    Provide them with the stepping-stone to reach the key sectors in their life.
•    Bring the right and appreciable equality of understanding to all students.
Provide them with the motivation to benefit to the community and society

           In sum up they created BSCAC program in order to help the entire student in Business to increase their ability by sharing knowledge, experience, and idea and help each other. Mr. Sophan Said that “he hope when we can get some knowledge, experience, idea and more than that we can share it to next generation in order to improve them to have brighter future.”

 Written by: Nourn Sophy BBA2B
Edit by: Hun Sophea BBA2B
Interview by: Pann Navy BBA2B
Source of information form : Mr. Pheoun Sophan BBA3B